New Year, A Stronger You: 8 Week Training Plan

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You spent the end of 2023 promising yourself to prioritize fitness in 2024! It's time to show up with a more specific goal than to be better. It's A NEW YEAR and time for A STRONGER YOU! Here is your five-day-a-week training program for eight weeks. These strength and conditioning sessions will help you jump-start the fitness year. Almost anyone can participate, and you can perform this anywhere. Grab your dumbbells, and let's make something amazing happen! The dumbbells should challenge your strength for the final few reps of every set, or increase the weight or number of reps*. I added BODYWEIGHT BOOT CAMP and STABILITY days for cardio and core training. I have you covered during the week, and you can take a well-earned break on the weekend! Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to get strong. STRONG STRONG! Join me, and let's get our fit on!

*If terms like "reps" (short for repetitions) have no meaning to you, see The Pocket Manual of Weight Training for Newbies. Find the article here at and get your learn on!